Home Company news Rail Live 2022

Rail Live 2022

Rail Live 2022

Rail Live 2022 took place last week at the Long Marston Rail Technology Centre and once again, the Step on Safety stand proved a great success.

Positioned right by the entrance, the distinctive yellow and grey fabrications included a LOC platform, embankment staircase, drivers’ access platform and sections of the four new TrackSafe Walkway Systems – TS-50, TS-15-, TS-HD and TS-X which were officially launched at the show. Visitors could also try their luck at an arcade grabber machine or sit in the shade for a while in our fabulous beanbag chairs.

This year’s stand also demonstrated some of the collaborations we enjoy all year round with other suppliers; there were lighting systems from QTS Group and Footfall Lighting along with galvanised steel piles from Anchor Systems.

The weather at Rail Live this year was glorious on the Wednesday – and this was by far the busiest day. Thursday brought some welcome cloud, a smatter of rain and, unfortunately, a rail strike. However quieter days give our guys time to talk at length with visitors and some great connections were made; we’ll report on the results of those soon.

We’ll be back next year of course, planning will start over the next few weeks but for now we’re reaching out to the people we met to see how we can help them solve their access challenges.

People leaving Rail Live with Step on Safety tote bags

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