Specifying made easy
Step on Safety has partnered with NBS so that our key products can be specified directly into your projects. You can import the enhanced product data directly from NBS Source into your specification document, making it easier for architects & specifiers to find the NBS clauses they need.
If you need customised advice for your project, please get in touch with our Construction Sector Manager Tony Lamotte.
What is NBS Source?
NBS Source is a cloud-based platform for construction product information that helps specifiers make more informed product decisions for their projects. For manufacturers, it is a powerful tool to present accurate product information to customers. Source will revolutionise construction specification. You can visit the NBS site here.
- Unrivalled cloud-based digital library of construction product information which will revolutionise the way products are specified. Standardised presentation of data will make it easy to compare similar construction products.
- Dynamic product search using ‘natural language’ makes it faster to find the right product for any project.
- A powerful tool for manufacturers and specifiers to prepare for the changes to the regulatory framework with high-quality digital product data .
- Specifiers and manufacturers can collaborate on specifications in real-time.
Soon, new regulations will have a direct impact on construction product manufacturers, and how legally they will be required to present product information. They will be expected to provide more detailed data, use standardised systems and adopt a transparent attitude to data sharing.
Beyond this, specifiers, contractors and clients will be required to keep detailed, robust records throughout a project’s entire duration. As a result, the industry’s attitude to the culture of ‘spec breaking’ is likely to dramatically change.
NBS Source accelerates decision making for specifiers and provide manufacturers with peace-of-mind their product data is being presented correctly. Manufacturers will have to provide consistent properties and values, as well as performance criteria and show third-party certification for their products.